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Weapon Shield
Weapon Shield CLP and Grease for Guns

Part NumberDescriptionSize
WSOPWeapon Shield Oiler Pen.25 ounce
WS4Weapon Shield Small Bottle4 ounce
WS4WSWeapon Shield Small bottle with Spray Top4 ounce
WS16Weapon Shield Large Bottle16 ounce
WS16WSWeapon Shield Large Bottle with Spray Top16 ounce
WS128Weapon Shield 1 gal. Jug128 ounce
WSGSWeapon Shield Grease Syringe 
WSGTWeapon Shield Grease Tub2 ounce
WSGLBWeapon Shield Grease Tub1 pound
RS4WSReel Shield Spray Bottle for Fishing Equipment4 ounce
RSGSReel Shield Grease Syringe for Fishing Equipment 
WSCOMBOWeapon Shield Combo Kit (WSOP & WS4) 
SHOOTERS-KITWeapon Shield Shooter's Kit (WSOP, WS4 & WSGS) 

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